Convert PDF to PowerPoint

Easily convert PDF to PowerPoint (PPT) or PowerPoint to PDF online

or drag and drop your PDF file here

How to convert PDF to PPT (Powerpoint)?

  1. 1Upload PDF File: Click on "Choose file" or drag and drop your PDF file onto the page.
  2. 2Convert to PPT: Click on "Convert file". The software will automatically convert your PDF to a PowerPoint presentation.
  3. 3Download PPT File: Once the conversion is complete, click on the "Download" to obtain your PowerPoint file.

Effortless PDF to PPT Conversion

Extract content from PDF files and craft compelling PowerPoint presentations effortlessly with our online tool. Similarly, transform your PPT presentations into shareable PDF documents, retaining the original formatting.

Cross-platform Compatibility

Our online PPT to PDF converter is compatible with all major operating systems including macOS and Linux. It also supports portable devices. All you need is a web browser on your device and an internet connection—our app takes care of the rest.

Instant File Conversion

Need to present data from a PDF file in a jiffy? Our tool is your go-to solution. The process is straightforward—upload your PDF, and download your PowerPoint presentation instantly.

Frequently asked Questions

  • You don’t need to register an account to use this tool. To convert PDF to PPT (PowerPoint) quickly, visit our website and go to the tools page.

    Once the page loads, you will have multiple options to upload your source file. Choose the location of your source file. A new window will pop up and allow you to browse for your file.

    Specify the file you wish to modify and upload it to the pdf to ppt online converter application. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the document on the app’s drop file section. The document will upload in a few seconds.

    Our software will convert PDF to PPT presentation for free and prompt you to download the output file. A sharable download link is also available.

    The created file will feature sections of editable text boxes and images which you can simply format to suit your preferences.

  • If you frequently work on the go, we’ve got you covered. Our online app allows you to convert PPT to PDF or vice versa free on your mobile device. To use it on a mobile device, connect your device to the internet and access the online pdf to ppt converter software through your mobile browser.

  • Yes. Our online PDF to PPT converter is 100% free. You do not need to sign up and subscribe to a paid plan to use our application. Just open our website on your browser, access the online app, and convert PDF to PPT for free.

  • Our online PDF to PPT converter supports all popular operating systems (Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, and Mac OS). You can also access this software on your hand-held devices such as smartphones and Apple products running on Android and iOS, respectively.

    This universal design allows you to use any computer or mobile device to convert PDF into PowerPoint online. The only limit factors which can hinder the performance of our online application on your machine are your browser, internet speed, and the condition of your personal computer or device.

  • You don’t have to worry about the quality of your output file. By default, the PDF to PPT converter maintains the quality of the source document during the conversion process. With the help of OCR technology, our tool can scan your document and replicate exact text and images, even on scanned files.

    This way, your output file is neat and follows the formatting of the source document. Only that it is editable and the file type is changed as well.